Quality control of soft magnets with the HyMAC hysteresis meter:
- frequency range from 3 up to 2500Hz (with a HF option up to 20 kHz)
- typical range 0.1 up to 30kA/m and 1.0-2.2T
- one common measurement platform with multiple probes
- high sensitive probe input for low signal-to-noise ratios
- customizable reports with the measurement of all the relevant magnetic parameters
- customizable measurement sequences
- excitation levels are probe, material and sample dependent
- EC standards compliant measurement probes
- applications specific measurement probes
- optional measurement of magnetostriction and magnetoresistance
The HyMAC Magnetic Properties Tester is a versatile testing platform for determining the AC magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials like electrical steel sheet, ferrite cores, magnetic wire and ribbons.The HyMAC allows an incoming and outgoing inspection of soft magnetic materials like measurement of losses of electrical steel sheet and cores for transformer and electrical motor industry. The HyMAC gives support to the R&D on advanced materials like high permeability wires, ribbons and powders. The HyMAC is also used in the testing of cutting influences. In addition to the standard reporting tools inside the HyMAC software, the user can share all measured data with colleagues and suppliers using the Metis Result Viewer.
The basic functionality of the HyMAC is the measurement of the B-H hysteresis curves at user specific excitations and frequencies. From the measured curves, the relevant magnetic parameters are derived automatically via the HyMAC Properties Tester software.
Application specific measurement probes are:
- measurement of magnetic powders
- customized single sheet testers
- toroidal tester
Examples of EC standard compliant measurement probes are:
- IEC404-2 Epstein
- IEC404-3 Single Sheet Tester
The measured relevant magnetic parameters are HcJ, Br, Bm, Hm, losses permeability, Eddy-current loss, hysteresis curves and other customizable parameters.
Need more information about this HyMAC?
Don't hesitate to contact us.